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domenica 13 novembre 2011

Training course for OTS in Sicily and the International standard

By Manos Kouvakis Manager Director of CEDIFOP (IDSA Full Member Scool) Palermo

In Italy training activities of CEDIFOP in commercial diving is carrying on. It s just concluded the last course to issue OTS certificate in accordance with programs approved by IDSA and HSE,  as provided by the PROF 2011 for commercial diving training in Sicily; and it’ s started the new course for Diver Medic, in accordance with IMCA programs. After that 2 more projects have been planned: the first is the fulfillment of IDSA standard for Scuba and Surface Supply to complete the training scheduled for 0-30 mt to issue IDSA level 2, for Divers who are already OTS certified and with a previous training in line with CEDIFOP standard, after that (july/august) the first course for TOP UP has been planned, already authorized by Sicilian Government – Regional Education and Training Department, in strict compliance with international standard, as provided by the letter reference number 681/CABINET of 16/march/2011, where, the Chief of Cabinet of Regional Assessor of Education and Training Department, Mr Nino Emanuele, specifies that, with publication of PROF 20011, Sicilian Region,  “competent authority” in matter of Professional Training in all Sicilian territory, as provided by the Italian legislation, has deliberated that professional training for O.T.S. (Operatori Tecnico Subacquei) both of basic level and specialized level must adhere to the Directive 2005/36/CE, observing standard and training contents of I.D.S.A. (International Diving School Association) and H.S.E. (Health and Safety Executive) – Deliberation of Committeee n. 350 dated 04/10/2010.

In detail, Sicilian Region has authorized the execution of the following courses, conducted only in the territory of Sicilian Region competence, where, to issue professional certificates, training activities must be subordinate to control from controlling body of Work Department belonging to the Provincial Office for Work (U.P.L.) and must be concluded with a Final Exam in the presence of an Examiner Committee constituted with a Decree issued by Sicilian Department for Education and Professional Training. Issued certificates must de recorded and authenticated by C.P.I. of Sicilian Department for Education and Professional Training. The above mentioned courses are the following:
  • “Operatore Tecnico Subacqueo Specializzato” for recognition of “SCUBA & Surface Supplied”
  • “Operatore Tecnico Subacqueo – Top Up – IDSA Level 3 “ for recognition of “Surface Supplied (Top-Up)”.
For the first time in Italy, under strict control, as required by low for professional training in the Island, by the competent authority, the first training course to issue international certificate for TOP UP will have place, to give back dignity at international level to Italian commercial Divers, who actually have been oblige to move to a foreign country to issue TOP UP certificate.

It represents a victory of training quality of CEDIFOP, but also for all Sicilian Region who has accepted and integrated IDSA training contents, which actually represents a meticulous and analytic didactics in commercial diving world, as for example it is PADI or CMAS or many other didactics in the world for recreational diving.

This passage arrives also in a particular period for training in Italy, where a specific regulation for commercial diving at national level is missing, and, as a consequence of that, many fake certificates and false proclamations occurred. All this damages the whole category.

The following passages, from the introduction of Low Proposal 2369 submitted to Chamber of Deputies during the actual legislature in Italy, with title of “regulation concerning professional diving and hyperbaric activities” (dated 7 april 2009):

Actually there are several dozen of schools who trains commercial divers without precise rules, in spite of , historically, many valid Italian commercial divers come out from Italian Navy, or national companies.
European Union dictates precise regulations to order commercial diving activities, and many European countries have already adopted those regulation; Italy is actually defaulting. Commercial diving, indeed, needs a regulation valid in all territory, seen that a commercial diver must be able to work in all foreign countries; most of the divers start his career in local area ( registration to Master Book of Divers in local activity kept by the competent Port Authority) but many of those divers go to work with diving companies involved in off-shore.

We must consider that job opportunities for commercial divers are over belong region and nation so, to guarantee their job mobility, training courses must adhere to contents and rules applied in commercial diving. Training must be valid over Italian territory, which means that it must agree with standard adopted by  Health and Safety Executive (HSE), by Association on Diving Contractors (ADC), by International Diving Schools Association (IDSA), by International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) e by other similar organizations who actually can guarantee a spendable of Italian divers certificate foreign the country. No other training contents should be allow to be registered in the Master Book of Port Authority.
The facility to be registered as local diver, that is legitimize by actual lows, penalize all sector and have serious repercussions.

The only professional figure recognised by actual low is the diver registered in the Master Book of Port Authority, which have power only for harbour competence, but many of diving work are outside of harbours, where there are absolutely no regulation to order and protect divers and diving companies activities.

It’ s opportune and urgent a regulation, starting from training, including controls and contents which must be adopted, the agreement to Community regulation regarding professional diving activities, and also an assiduous control on diving operation.
Many mortal accident, occurred in diving operation, are also a consequence of inadequate training, and On. A. Di Biagio feels certain about that. During his speech to the Chamber of Deputies, in occasion of Job Board of 28 april 2011, he has remarked the absolute absence of relevant regulation, and referring to the last accident he said “I assume every responsibility to affirm that the promulgation and application of this regulation should be save the life of this young boy”.
That s the reason why, Sicilian Region, is adopting a series of precise initiatives, as the agreement to international standard in diver training, becoming an example for all Italy, an experimental laboratory of quality, professionalism and respect for international rules in the sector, moreover, representing an example for countries which actually have the same problems, caused by the missing of regulation in diving activities and training.

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